This one day oil and gas industry training course is designed for:
a) oil and gas company non technical staff ( legal, land, accounting, IT, human resources and administrative personnel ) and technical staff new to the petroleum industry,
b) oil and gas industry support and financial personnel ( petroleum service sector, banking, investment companies, lawyers, etc. ) and
c) any individual or group interested in learning about petroleum geology, formation evaluation and oil and gas property evaluation in the oil and gas industry.
Rocks, Records, Contracts and Reserves has been part of the internal training program of numerous oil and gas corporations, industry associations such as CAPLA and various industry co-op programs.
A basic understanding of petroleum geology (the foundation of the oil and gas industry) is necessary to evaluate geological formations, reservoirs and oil and natural gas properties. Geological terminology is found and / or referenced in essentially all petroleum industry records, regulations, agreements and contracts. But geology for the non geologist can be a challenge. Geology is a little understood, somewhat mysterious scientific field that can be "dry and boring" - but it need not be. Join GeoHistory for a day long, hands on oil and gas industry training course that explains geology, formation evaluation and property evaluation basics.
During this full day, hands on oil and gas industry training course participants will:
i) Learn about rock types and fossils and how they relate to modern environments like rivers, oceans and coral reefs.
ii) Learn about how modern environments are used to understand petroleum reservoirs.
ii) Learn about how modern environments are used to understand petroleum reservoirs.
iii) See what rock formations such as the Belly River, Glauconitic and Leduc actually are by handling rock samples from these formations and viewing them with the aid of a microscope.
iv) Learn well logging essentials - what well logs are, how well logs tie to the rocks in a well bore and how to interpret well logs.
v) Learn how core, well logs and other technical data are used to evaluate oil and natural gas reservoirs and properties.
vi) Learn how rock, well log and property evaluation data relates to and is translated into industry contracts, agreements, records and regulations.
The Rocks, Records and Reserves Course is a follow up course to the Oil and Gas Essentials Course. Though not essential, it is recommended that the Oil and Gas Essentials Course is taken prior to the Rocks, Records and Reserves Course.
" Fantastic course. I learned so much... would recommend it to anyone "
" Very well thought out, extremely well prepared and superbly well delivered. "
" One of the most informative and comprehensive courses I've taken to date. Thanks!! "
" Fun, interesting and educational. "
" Excellent course. Excellent instructor. "
" Very educational, entertaining and relevant. "
" Engaging, great material, best course I've taken. "
" Very commendable and informative... Thank You! "
" I have been in the oil industry for 27 years …. I thoroughly enjoyed your course! A great day and great material! "
" Excellent - would strongly recommend. "
Fall, 2020 | $545.00 plus GST | $435.00 ** plus GST | Registration Closed | --> |
** Special GeoHistory 20th Anniversary Existing Client Appreciation Rate **
The Rocks, Records, contracts and Reserves Course is held at the AER Core Research Facility, 3545 Research Way NW, Calgary, AB. A continental breakfast is available for participants beginning at 08:30. The course begins at 08:45 sharp and continues till noon, when lunch arrives. The course continues after lunch until 4pm. Parking is available on site at the west end of the Core Facility.